Help me gain weight.

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Diet Plan.

This is day two of my blogging experience!  Okay not that exciting.  Not sure what to do this Saturday other than the usual try to eat as much as I can without people bothering me constantly.  I do currently live at home, which is fine considering the cost of renting an apartment these days coupled with the fact that I still have tuition payments to make.  So every day is something like.

"Where'd you put the remote?"

"Oh, I thought you were in the bathroom."

"Go to bed it's late!"

Here I am sitting alone Saturday morning where no one is around to interrupt.  *sigh and pause to savor the moment*.  With the recent snow storm we had, there is a bright grey sky casting a pleasant glow all throughout the house.  I love it.  But eventually I will have to get up and do something because even taking it easy can become annoying.  My ipod's busted so I'll need to get it fixed or replaced (probably the second one) with the help of my last paycheck.  And after that, since I will be at the mall, I think I shall partake in MALL FOOD!  Mall food is excellent because you can always find a popular franchise like McD's, Pizza Hut, Taco Johns (Bell), Wendy's, etc.  and if not that there are plenty of other equally fattening food venders.  Don't know what I'm in the mood for.

I try not to eat fast food whenever possible because (for example) I see McD's as an emergency stop when I haven't eaten all day and I'm coming home from work at 10:30 p.m.  No other place is usually open late at night during the winter and making something at home in the kitchen will result in waking someone up waaaay to early.  On a pleasant Saturday, my diet would consist of mainly this;

=One large breakfast pizza.
=Atleast 3 lbs. of pasta and cheese.
=What ever parents have made for dinner (in excess).
=Sweets galore!

And that's about it.  I should also mention that whatever I don't eat I'll save for left overs to be eaten later that day.  "Nothing's good reheated if it's been too long."  Another interesting tip I've learned is that you wait about an hour after you wake up to slow down your metabolism.  It tricks the body into thinking that food is not readily available and should store any bit of energy it can.  Not sure if it works, but I'm trying just about everything.  Another tip is to eat huge meals before bed.  The body's metabolism slows WAY DOWN when you sleep, and with nothing to do but digest it's a great way to store some poundage overnight.  Sadly, though, I've never woken up completely transformed like you would see in a lot of popular movies but it could happen.  Hope that this has been helpful to you gainers out there.  Just go with what works for you.    


  1. Holy crap, dude! You know how to eat! I actually don't really eat that much in my normal life. To make up for that, I usually gorge a good 1500-2500 calories worth of food right before bed every so often. I always include lots of healthy food, but I don't go lightly on the junk food!

  2. I don't eat like that any more. I was doing it for a week straight to see if I got some results. It did, but money's kinda tight right now. Taking it slow.
