Thank you once again, my valued readers, for subscribing to this blog. You have no idea how appreciative I am for having the occasional comment and I hope to continue hearing from you all. According to the Feed Tracker located on the right side of the home page, I get quite a lot of visits from different parts of the globe. At the very bottom is a 'web hit' counter that tells me how many people visit while I'm away. The only trouble with that is every time I visit my own to edit and then return to my home page it will count how many times I've been there (thus throwing everything off). Not sure how many of those visits were mine, but thankfully I've noticed that 200 or so have come and gone since my last posting. So thank you for stopping in to read.
I understand that to those of you who came across my blog might find it a little strange. What is this guy doing posting stuff about getting fatter, eating like a pig, and gloating about each pound as though it meant another $1000 in his bank account. (I'm not getting paid to write nor to eat, although.....I certainly wouldn't mind.) Eating the way I do or any of us gainers do is very expensive. But there are times when we substitute a simple reward such as a new DVD or a sweet new Wii game after a hard days work for an ample, sumptuous feast at your favorite restaurant. The benefit of which you can carry with you wherever you go. You only need to look down at yourself and physically see all that tasty grub you've been putting away for weeks/months/years. Why do I feel so proud of it? Because it's probably one of the few goals I've accomplished thus far in my life. Maybe that's not such a great way of putting it, but I do have other probably more realistic goals and long way to go to achieve them.
If you still don't understand, I apologize, I'm not the best at explaining this kind of thing. But I'm sure it's time that I made an attempt.
Why change anything? Why get those implants or pump that iron? Why starve yourself into that dress or cut out a certain favorite soft drink so your teeth wont stain? And lastly, why do you need a couple extra pounds? It's all for yourself. Obviously, there are those who do it to land a man or woman. There are men who go crazy for large breasts, and other men that appeal to another prominent piece of anatomy in his own sex. There are guys who go for larger women and there are those who go for larger men, HALLELUJAH! So there's hope for me yet.
I have been reading a very fascinating blog called GAINING PERSPECTIVE that seems to really put into better word the whole truth on what it means to be a gainer. I've actually come to feel more comfortable about my kink because of the blog's creator SFBaydude02. Thank you.
Does all this mean I'm ready to come out about this to everyone I meet? No. The nature of being a gainer is that we tend to want the more exclusive lifestyle, or at least I do. Most of us don't care if we end up cut from the general populous for a while, chilling in a small apartment with the man who will exacerbate our fat fetish until we're properly plumped. We tend to enjoy being on the town with our encouragers, secretly showing off what a fine job he's done with us on our way to the buffet. In front of perfect strangers, this is gainer heaven. But there's another side to what this lifestyle means for us. Some have the immense courage to grow with friends and family nearby and most of us have no choice. They take one look at us, realize the changes we're going through, and most of the time they worry about our health. This can put a damper on our gains. How can some of us not feel just a little bit guilty as a result of this? We don't want to disappoint those dearest to us, and thus we are left with an internal struggle. I need to please those around me by bending to their will and not my own but I really want the body I have now. That's way a lot of gainers tend to lose and gain off and on because they would prefer not to have the general conflict of it all.
I have experienced most of what I've mentioned above. I currently stand proud of the body I'd always dreamed about having, but the family has great expectations about me loosing the weight to make them feel more at ease. Every time I've been feeling ill somehow they link the whole thing to my obesity. But I feel that it's 100% manageable at this stage. And who knows what I'm capable of obtaining with the help of an encourager. All one needs to do, is accept that things are happening for the best whether it be slimming down for a while or growing to massive proportions. It's all about making yourself happy.
I hope that this made some sense to you. I have trouble with rambling.
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