Help me gain weight.

Sunday, December 28, 2008

Holiday Heft.

Well, I figured that I'd write my first Christmas gaining blog sooner or later.  You may wonder what changes I've made.  Sorry to disappoint, but I'm still the same.  Though I have been taking it quite easy and eating till I'm content, there is no apparent gain.  My parents have now acknowledged that I've put on some weight.  That's all they said as I was getting rid of my smaller clothes.  The only things worth getting rid of are most of my tshirts.  

I always wear a tall because since I am around 300lbs. there is a slight over hang visible in front and some visible love handles behind me when I sit.  I argued that my pants were just fine (and trust me they are)  they told me, 'no they don't fit because you put on weight'.  I have been eating big for a log time but since I've reached my plateau they think I'm getting bigger by the day.  Weird.  Nothing else to report.  Wish me luck.   

1 comment:

  1. Sounds great! Don't worry about plateauing because 300 is a good weight. You should just hang out there a while. Anyways, good luck with everything! I know how financially painful it is to update your wordrobe, but it's totally worth it for the belly!
